
  1. Takakura N.” Discovery of a Vascular Endothelial Stem Cell (VESC) Population Required for Vascular Regeneration and Tissue Maintenance” Circ J. 2018 Dec 25;83(1):12-17.

  2. Kimura T, Cui D, Kawano H, Yoshitomi-Sakamoto C, Takakura N, Ikeda E. “Induced expression of GINS complex is an essential step for reactivation of quiescent stem-like tumor cells within the peri-necrotic niche in human glioblastoma” J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2018 Nov 21.

  3. Eino D, Tsukada Y, Naito H, Kanemura Y, Iba T, Wakabayashi T, Muramatsu F, Kidoya H, Arita H, Kagawa N, Fujimoto Y, Takara K, Kishima H, Takakura N.” LPA4-Mediated Vascular Network Formation Increases the Efficacy of Anti-PD-1 Therapy against Brain Tumors” Cancer Res. 2018 Dec 1;78(23):6607-6620.

  4. Inamura N, Kito M, Go S, Kishi S, Hosokawa M, Asai K, Takakura N, Takebayashi H, Matsuda J, Enokido Y. “Developmental defects and aberrant accumulation of endogenous psychosine in oligodendrocytes in a murine model of Krabbe disease” Neurobiol Dis. 2018 Dec;120:51-62.

  5. Yamakawa D, Jia W, Kidoya H, Hosojima S, Torigata M, Zhang L, Takakura N. “Visualization of Proliferative Vascular Endothelial Cells in Tumors in Vivo by Imaging Their Partner of Sld5-1 Promoter Activity” Am J Pathol. 2018 May;188(5):1300-1314.
  6. Nakagawa K, Matsuki T, Zhao L, Kuniyoshi K, Tanaka H, Ebina I, Yoshida KJ, Nabeshima H, Fukushima K, Kanemaru H, Yamane F, Kawasaki T, Machida T, Naito H, Takakura N, Satoh T, Akira S. “Schlafen-8 is essential for lymphatic endothelial cell activation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis” Int Immunol. 2018 Mar 8;30(2):69-78.

  7. Kanzaki R, Ose N, Kawamura T, Funaki S, Shintani Y, Minami M, Takakura N, Okumura M. “Stromal PDGFR-β Expression is Associated with Postoperative Survival of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Preoperative Chemo- or Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgery” World J Surg. 2018 Mar 6.

  8. Wakabayashi T, Naito H, Suehiro JI, Lin Y, Kawaji H, Iba T, Kouno T, Ishikawa-Kato S, Furuno M, Takara K, Muramatsu F, Weizhen J, Kidoya H, Ishihara K, Hayashizaki Y, Nishida K, Yoder MC, Takakura N. “CD157 Marks Tissue-Resident Endothelial Stem Cells with Homeostatic and Regenerative Properties” Cell Stem Cell. 2018 Mar 1;22(3):384-397.e6.